What do you call the condition in which heart is on the right side of the chest?

What do you call the condition in which heart is on the right side of the chest?

When the heart is situated predominantly in the right half of the chest it is known as dextrocardia. If it is associated with left-right inversion of all structures of the body, it is known as mirror image dextrocardia. In this situation liver will be on the left side instead of the normal right side and the spleen will be on the right side instead of the normal left side of the abdomen.

Dextrocardia with situs inversus
Dextrocardia with situs inversus

This condition is usually not associated with any structural disease of the heart. If dextrocardia is not associated with left-right inversion of other structures of the body, then it is called isolated dextrocardia. The heart is most often abnormal in isolated dextrocardia. The opposite condition is known as isolated levocardia, which is also associated with gross structural abnormalities of the heart.